Crypto Portfolio Rebalancing: Pros and Cons

rebalancing your portfolio

Investors choose a portfolio mix based on their appetite for risk and timeframe for reaching their goals. As investments fluctuate in value, they can deviate from the original asset allocation and become overly concentrated in one or more investments. Many investment companies offer automated portfolios that are customized to your financial goals, risk tolerance and timeline as to when you’ll need the funds. As such, the rebalancing will be maintained for you on a set schedule for your desired portfolio mix.

But the difference between automated portfolio rebalancing 100% in stocks versus 80% in stocks and 20% in bonds was just a percentage point, with the latter earning average annualized returns of 8.7%. Meanwhile, someone who invested 70% in stocks and 30% in bonds would have earned 8.2%, while a 60/40 investor would have earned 7.8%. How could you get a nearly identical investment for so much less? Unlike some mutual funds, ETFs rarely charge sales loads or 12b-1 fees.

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Now that we know all the ins and outs of rebalancing, let’s touch on its benefits before we review the best tools for the job. We analyze and compare tools to help you make the best decisions for your personal financial situation. Rebalancing back to the original 50/50 allocation periodically will keep your risk exposure in the range that you want.

Most of all, investors who choose to rebalance on their own may lack discipline and disregard the process altogether, making their asset allocations consistently out of balance. The targets you set for each security in your portfolio ultimately make up your asset allocation. In other words, if 70% of the money in your portfolio is invested in stocks and the other 30% is invested in bonds, your asset allocation is 70/30. A $100 portfolio has a target asset allocation of an 65/35 stock/bond split, or $65 in stocks and $35 in bonds. The algorithm that is used by our robo-advisor weighs the costs and benefits of rebalancing and determines if transactions are needed to get you closer to your target asset allocation.

tips for diversifying your investment portfolio

As soon as your automated portfolio rebalancing’s allocation is off from your intended target, your brokerage’s algorithm or Robo-advisor jumps in and fixes it. Most brokerages and Robo-advisors provide you with options; you can choose ongoing rebalancing or rebalancing in specific intervals, such as monthly, quarterly, or annually. ETFs can entail risks similar to direct stock ownership, including market, sector, or industry risks. Some ETFs may involve international risk, currency risk, commodity risk, and interest rate risk. Trading prices may not reflect the net asset value of the underlying securities. represent another major hurdle to portfolio rebalancing. If you rebalance frequently, you will spend a noticeable amount of money on trade fees and transaction costs. Those from barbaric jurisdictions that charge taxes on every trade might want to avoid rebalancing. For most investors, the most common reason to rebalance a portfolio is diversification. Through this strategy, you seek to ensure asset allocations remain consistent and in-line with your investment goals. Human Interest is an affordable, full-service 401 and 403 provider that seeks to make it easy for small and medium-sized businesses to assist their employees invest for retirement.

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While it isn’t designed to increase your long-term returns directly, it is designed to increase your risk-adjusted returns. If robo-advising won’t prevent you from buying high and selling low, then paying an individual investment advisor to make sure you stay disciplined with your investing strategy can pay off. Now that you understand how the rebalancing process works, the next question is whether to do it yourself, use a robo-advisor, or use a real, live investment advisor to help you. Consider the pros and cons of each in terms of skill, time, and cost. You’d be wise to rebalance into more bonds and fewer stocks so that you’ll have plenty of cash to pull out—even if there’s a market downturn—when you’re ready to withdraw your down payment.


Measuring the portfolio performance with the adjusted Sharpe ratio leads to clearer results. The mean adjusted Sharpe ratio of the buy-and-hold strategy is .630. The difference between the mean adjusted Sharpe ratio of the ETC buy-and-hold strategy and the mean adjusted Sharpe ratios of the rebalancing strategies is statistically significant at the 1% level for all rebalancing strategies. This means that employing rebalancing strategies would have led to a less favorable skewness and kurtosis of the return distribution from a risk averse investor’s view.

Note whether each investment is a stock, bond, or cash holding, and then calculate the percentage of your total holdings allocated to each category. This isn’t the easiest or fastest method, but it might be fun if you’re a personal finance geek who likes making spreadsheets. Their portfolio’s volatility was about 2.5 percentage points higher than that of an investor who did rebalance.


Selling investments from a taxable account that’s gained value will most likely mean you’ll owe taxes on the realized gains. To avoid this, you could rebalance within your tax-advantaged accounts only. Past performance does not guarantee future results and the likelihood of investment outcomes are hypothetical in nature.

All you have to do is make regular contributions, and your platform handles the rest. It may sound like the easy way out, but it ensures your portfolio is always on track and it makes efficient, not emotional investment decisions for you. Some do it automatically, and others will enable you to choose monthly, bi-monthly, semi-annually, or annually. Brokerage services are provided by Alpaca Securities, member FINRA/SIPC, a wholly-owned subsidiary of AlpacaDB, Inc.

  • Rebalancing is the act of correcting any drift to align with your chosen risk profile, and redirecting any overperformance toward assets that haven’t done as well.
  • The only catch is that you won’t want to sell stocks at a loss; which investments you’ll sell for income will depend on what you can sell for a profit.
  • You may allow the asset to move 10% up or down, but you’ll buy or sell it as soon as the price change breaks 10%.
  • A key feature of our portfolio and order management system is our rebalancing engine, the programmatic way we rebalance portfolios periodically, or to account for movement in the market, to ensure model accuracy.

The dollar value of one asset might grow extremely high, causing it to represent up to 80% of your total capital. Outside of personal investment accounts, retirement accounts deserve special attention as your age will primarily determine how assets should be allocated. When rebalancing, it’s paramount to pay attention to the type of account your assets are in and the length of time you’ve owned them. These factors will determine how your capital gains or losses are taxed. There can be no assurance that the advisor will achieve its objectives. Any performance information, market analysis or data or other information is not warranted by Ciovacco Capital Management, LLC as to completeness or accuracy express or implied, and such information is subject to change without notice.

If I want to protect my capital and ensure profits, I need to exchange a portion of my tokens for stablecoins. Portfolio rebalancing only brings me value if assets that went up lose value and vice-a-versa. I can sell Chainlink on its run to $1,000 thinking XRP will finally move above $2. If you win too much money, you can optimize your portfolio by redirecting capital to more assets. With enough assets, the effects of a losing asset are negligible compared to your total capital.

  • Except for the 20%-divergence strategy, the application of rebalancing strategies would have decreased the annual mean σ by .02 to .14% compared to the buy-and-hold strategy.
  • The first time you rebalance your portfolio might be the hardest because everything is new.
  • If, for example, your portfolio has drifted from 60% stocks, 40% bonds to 65% stocks, 35% bonds, the next time you add money to your account, the robo-advisor will use your deposit to buy more bonds.
  • So if any instrument or any security is more than a defined percentage away from the asset strategic weight, it rebalances.

If that’s the case, you might need to start rebalancing toward a more conservative asset allocation. Then again, you might not want to—it depends on your philosophy about stock ownership during retirement, which again has to do with your risk tolerance. If you inherit assets, such as stocks, you have to decide how they fit into your overall portfolio and rebalance accordingly. Having more money might mean you’d prefer a more conservative allocation since you don’t need to take on as much risk to achieve the growth you need.

Does Warren Buffett rebalance his portfolio?

Hence, Buffett does not believe in rebalancing. In the context of a portfolio built for capital appreciation with a very long time horizon, such practice makes very little sense.

A well-balanced portfolio that uses asset allocation and diversification techniques can help o­ffset the impact of investments that are not performing well and take advantage of the benefits of assets that are growing and performing well. Rebalancing involves realigning the weightings of a portfolio of assets by periodically buying or selling assets to keep the original asset allocation. Vanguard claims that on a $250,000 investment using the company’s Personal Advisor Services, which only costs 0.3% of assets under management per year, you would spend $187.50 in quarterly fees compared to an industry average of $625. It’s certainly possible to manage your investments and rebalance your portfolio yourself. But some people don’t have the time, aren’t confident in their ability to learn what they need to know and perform the right tasks, or just don’t want to deal with it.

Trading on margin is only for experienced investors with high risk tolerance. For additional information about rates on margin loans, please see Margin Loan Rates. Security futures involve a high degree of risk and are not suitable for all investors. The amount you may lose may be greater than your initial investment. Before trading security futures, read the Security Futures Risk Disclosure Statement.

A study by Vanguard published in February 2019 found that through financial planning, discipline, and guidance—not through trying to outperform the market—advisors can increase their clients’ average annual returns by 3%. Perhaps you’re going to withdraw 4% of your portfolio balance in year one and adjust that dollar amount by the inflation rate in each following year. Portfolio rebalancing will require a different approach because you’re now accounting for regular withdrawals, whereas before retirement you were accounting only for contributions. With no one to provide for but yourself, you might decide to rebalance into a higher percentage of stocks since your risk-taking won’t affect your family. Vanguard recommends checking your portfolio every six months and rebalancing at a 5% threshold to strike the best balance between risk management and minimizing costs. Various Registered Investment Company (“RIC”) products offered by third-party fund families and investment companies are made available on the platform.

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Posted: Wed, 22 Feb 2023 16:11:24 GMT [source]